Sunday, May 29, 2011

We Made It!

We have made it through our first week of being "Denver-ites" as my husband so joyously thinks he coined the phrase. It's definitely been a transition!

The 15 hours in the car, a little over 800 miles, and you don't even want to know the amount $$$ spent on gas, we finally made it. The drive from Dallas to Amarillo was mundane, I could make that drive in my sleep. Leaving my parents and mother in law at the storage place is something I will never forget.Prissy left first, and I could see she had great big tears in her eyes, and still trying to remain composed. She gave Jon and I a bag of her world famous cookies for our drive. They were delicious! I gave my mom one last hug, of course tears streaming down our faces. The term 'cry me a river' doesn't even describe our last goodbyes. Then there was saying goodbye to my Dad. He held me so tight, told me he loved me, and when I stepped back from our hug, I saw a tear on my dad's shirt. I guess I didn't know how much this would affect him too.

The drive from Amarillo to Denver was exciting! Being on roads that I've never been, or at least never driven, was exciting. You know, making the drive from Dallas to Amarillo, you know exactly how much time is between each city. But on the way to Denver, I had no idea, so that made it that much more exciting! It's amazing how in just a few short hours, we went from flat...

To mountains and elevation!

Yes, those are the Rocky Mountains!

Daisy rode with me the whole way, and was such a trooper!

After the movers left on Saturday evening, and Jon came in and locked the door behind him, he sat and looked at what looked like boxes that just threw up in our living room, kitchen and patio...we both looked at each other with a smile, and said, "We are here!"

We still have some to do, but slowly making progress!