Monday, November 30, 2009

Giving Thanks... (a little late)

I seriously intended to post last week about Thanksgiving, but no time like the present!

WOW. What a year we have had. Yesterday Jon and I put up our Christmas tree and our decorations in our little condo. We really did have a good time doing so. Getting out decorations that we packed up at the beginning of the year really puts me in a great mood! As I was unwrapping the ornaments and other decorations, I was thinking about where we were a year ago as we were decorating for our 1st "official" Christmas together. It's crazy how much has changed in a year, but yet it hasn't changed too much. We got engaged and planned a wedding in a year. I fall in love with Jon all over again everyday. We have the stupidest jokes, but we giggle like little school girls EVERYTIME we say them. He loves me unconditionally, and I do him. Yesterday I was reminded why I love him so much. We really had a great time! We were scrubby and in comfy clothes - nothing special...

Sometimes we get in the groove of the day and forget about why we fell in love, life just happens. Talk of bills, work and everything else in life piles up. Jon is the best thing that ever happened to me. He really is my dream come true. When I was in the hospital, he wouldn't leave my side. Even slept in the VERY uncomfortable chair to make sure I was ok. The nurse came in every three hours to give me pain medication, and there he was awake, making sure I was ok. He left at 6:30 and had a full days of work ahead of him. He sends me texts and emails during the day just to let me know he's thinking of me. When I walk through the door each night after work, he gives me a great big hug and we tell each other about our day. One thing we have learned is communication really is key. I've always been one to keep my feelings and thoughts in. I never want to disappoint anyone. Jon has taught me if I do screw up, it's ok. We just have to be on the same page and he's there for me no matter what.

He still drives me crazy sometimes, but the great thing about our relationship is we can have an argument, and in the next hour or two, we are over it and back to making jokes again.

I love you Jon Maxfield, and am truly thankful you are my husband, and I am your wife.

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